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Bugs in some mobs models on all servers
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Autor:  Greaperfm [ 13 Mar 2017, o 17:54 ]
Temat postu:  Bugs in some mobs models on all servers

Your server: S1
Your nick: Greaperfm
When it happend: always, since taern was made
Description and Message:
Hope it's not big deal and won't lead to forum ban if i post here in english.

So problem is:
some mobs, npcs on certain maps have files when it should be mini_125.swf
and otherwise when it should be mini_125.swf it's mini.swf
That causes at least 3 problems:
1. lags in loading, especially for ppl with slow connection (i know about built in redirection, but it prevents from caching files with "wrong" names so for example loading that bunch of lempos near beirn always lags a bit);
2. when mob doesn't load fast enough and there's just number without picture ppl sometimes run on greater hawk, wendi or something else, that would happen 90% times less if they actually saw mob, not just number.
3. if spawn many mobs not meant to be on the map during event that will cause lags same as in "1."
4th possible problem that cos of redirection server gets 2x more requests.

I reported and asked about it not once when still was a mod on EU/US server, but so as u guys(admins/developers) don't bother visiting us the problem still stays, btw it's same for polish servers.

Sollution i suggested:
make both files for each mob mini.swf and mini_125.swf (most simple just making copies). sure some mobs will look bigger or smaller on some maps if u won't remake then in needed scale and will just copy and rename files, but that will be really helpful.

And 1 more suggestion - maybe open english language section on this forum so that players fron EU/US could report/suggest things here and get replies more often then once per 10 years? 8-)

Autor:  Willy [ 13 Mar 2017, o 21:26 ]
Temat postu:  Re: Bugs in some mobs models on all servers


Dear Greaperfm - thank you for reporting the issue above. We will consider it as soon as possible.

To your request about creating english subforum/section on the - you can write a post here in english or directly to any "blues" using PM.
Anyway I will talk with with our team about adding an additional place for english-speaking ppl ;)


Autor:  Greaperfm [ 15 Mar 2017, o 13:50 ]
Temat postu:  Re: Bugs in some mobs models on all servers

Thanks for answer, hope there will really be fixes.

About english subforum/section, i don't mind posting here or in any other thread, just could be more suitable if all post from US/EU server player were in same place.
Maybe best was if US/EU forum "merged" here (moved to 1 thread as subforum).

Autor:  rzuff [ 15 Mar 2017, o 23:22 ]
Temat postu:  Re: Bugs in some mobs models on all servers

Istnieje angielska wersja forum dla graczy korzystających z anglojęzycznego serwera, nie widzę potrzeby dublowania.

To, że coś zostanie tutaj napisane nie oznacza, że ma większe prawdopodobieństwo zaistnienia.

Autor:  Greaperfm [ 16 Mar 2017, o 17:51 ]
Temat postu:  Re: Bugs in some mobs models on all servers

rzuff napisał(a):
Istnieje angielska wersja forum dla graczy korzystających z anglojęzycznego serwera, nie widzę potrzeby dublowania.

To, że coś zostanie tutaj napisane nie oznacza, że ma większe prawdopodobieństwo zaistnienia.

Sure there is english forum but during last week it works mostly this way:

And what sense in forum never visited by developers?

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